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What Is The Difference Between Operational Data And Transactional Data?

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Operational and transactional data are two types of data that businesses collect and use to manage their operations and analyze their performance. While both types of data are important, they serve different purposes and require different approaches to manage and analyze effectively.

Operational data refers to data that is generated by business operations, such as sales, inventory, and customer interactions. This data is typically used to monitor and manage day-to-day operations, make decisions about resource allocation, and improve business processes.

Transactional data, on the other hand, refers to data that is generated by transactions, such as purchases, payments, and transfers. This data is typically used to track financial transactions, manage accounting records, and analyze financial performance.

While both types of data are important for businesses, operational data is particularly important for eCommerce, finance, and OTT streaming video businesses when they are trying to monitor customer behavior. This is because operational data provides insights into how customers interact with the business, what products or services they are interested in, and how they prefer to engage with the business.

The beginning of data transformation

Data can transform businesses by helping them understand their customers, competition, and predict upcoming trends. For eCommerce businesses, operational data can help them optimize their online store, improve product recommendations, and personalize the customer experience. By tracking customer behavior, such as what they search for, what they buy, and how long they spend on the website, eCommerce businesses can identify trends and patterns that can inform their marketing and sales strategies.

Similarly, for financial services, operational data can help them monitor transactions, detect fraud, and identify areas for improvement. By tracking customer behavior, such as spending patterns and transaction history, financial services can identify potential risks and opportunities, and make informed decisions about resource allocation and investment.

OTT video streaming businesses can also benefit from operational data by tracking customer behavior, such as what content they watch, when they watch it, and how often they watch it. This data can inform content creation and curation, improve the user experience, and inform marketing and advertising strategies.


In conclusion, operational and transactional data are two types of data that businesses collect and use to manage their operations and analyze their performance. While both types of data are important, operational data is particularly important for businesses that are trying to monitor customer behavior, such as eCommerce, finance, and OTT streaming businesses.

Learn how Macrometa's ready-to-go industry solutions allow enterprises to analyze operational data from multiple sources to deliver real-time, actionable insights.

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