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eCommerce and Retail

Power next-gen shopping in real-time

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eCommerce experiences are more than just transactions. For online retailers, eCommerce is about building relationships and loyalty, it's about convenience, and it's about providing a personalized experience that's lightning fast.

Make Your eCommerce Site 100X Faster

Deliver product pages, search results, and personalized content with minimal latency, boosting engagement and inspiring action.

If you want to boost site performance and improve your Google Lighthouse score, request a personalized assessment.

Get an eCommerce Assessment

Dynamic Prerendering to boost revenue and SEO rankings

Fast page speeds are critical but challenging as web apps get more interactive. Macrometa's Dynamic Prerendering improves user experience, offloads servers, and boosts visibility.

It combines performance with flexibility by rendering pages on-demand at the edge. This increases conversions and climbs the SERP with the latest content.

Make your eCommerce business future ready

The storefronts of the future will be filled with innovations like smart shelves, virtual mirrors, walk-out check-out, and personalized buyer paths.

Macrometa gives retailers the system and tools they need to start innovating today and become truly future-ready.

Personalized experiences from site to store

Shoppers crave flexibility, and they want to browse and buy using their preferred method. Retailers need to create an omnichannel experience that makes it possible – whether it's browse online, buy in-store,or somewhere in-between. Plus, customers expect the fastest delivery -- same day, anyone?

Macrometa powers the snappy omni-commerce experience your customers expect. Let them buy anywhere on any device and deliver superfast everywhere. Let them try at the most convenient location, pick up from their closest location, and return at a separate destination. Offer truly personalized recommendations and offers on the front page. Deliver from the nearest locations and increase store footfalls with expanded pick up and return options. All without increasing costs.

Increase inventory turns & reduce fulfillment costs

Make pricing and inventory decisions on the fly based on real-time data. Reallocate inventory and merchandise between stores and reduce markdowns due to overstocks. Increase store footfalls and add-on sales in the store to improve profitability.

Real-Time eCommerce Platform

Macrometa gives enterprise eCommerce a converged platform designed for fast, personalized customer experiences. Key features include:

Intent-Based Search

  • Enhance your Enterprise eCommerce Platform with intelligent algorithms
  • Understand customer intent for accurate and relevant search results
  • Drive engagement and increase sales

Site Acceleration & Optimization

  • Experience lightning-fast load times and seamless navigation
  • Optimize your eCommerce site for desktop and mobile devices
  • Improve customer satisfaction and reduce bounce rates

Instant Personalization & Recommendations

  • Deliver tailored content and product suggestions to your customers
  • Foster loyalty and encourage repeat business
  • Create a personalized shopping experience to stand out from the competition

Retail is poised for a transformative leap – just as soon it solves the problem of fulfilling customers’ escalating expectations while maintaining a healthy bottom line.

Real-time data helps retailers do just that. Now, retailers can monitor transactions as they are happening, offer personalized front-end experiences, and make quick decisions to profit from real-world changes.

Other Benefits


Boost profits and satisfaction

Boost profits and customer satisfaction with real-time personalization and seamless transitions from site to store.


Fight cart abandonment

Fight cart abandonment with in-region shopping carts that accelerate response times.


Optimize supply chains

Optimize supply chains and save warehousing costs with real-time inventory change feeds.


Monetize trends

Real-time product leaderboards keep you on top of emerging trends.


Improve forecasting

Improve forecasting with centralized reporting of product and inventory counts across multiple systems, geographies, storefronts, hubs, and warehouses.

Automatic data privacy & compliance

Automatically comply with data privacy, transparency, and cybersecurity requirements with geo-pinned and geo-fenced data.

Ready for real-time retail? We're here to help.

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Learn more about real-time eCommerce

Retail shopping

How Retail Can Take Advantage of Real-time Insights with the Edge


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