Announcing PhotonIQ: The New AI CDN For Accelerating Apps, APIs, Websites and Services

What is Static Content?

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Static content includes documents, style sheets, images, videos, html and scripts, etc. which are resistant to changes and are shared with every user as-is.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) are based on static content and used by enterprises to receive and pass content. Static content is transmitted through the CDN which acts as a third party to store as well as serve the cached content. Web-based applications and websites often function dynamically, but static content through the CDN offloads the server and lets the server handle dynamic content while the static content is stored onto it, thus offering low latency and reduced bandwidth coverage.

Static content operates by retrieving the static assets through the CDN over the server. The origin server receives a request for delivering the static content, and in response, the server then retrieves that data. Websites and web applications are all about responsiveness, and static content offers better load times due to shared data over the server as it is easier to cache. Static content is also more resistant to being hacked as compared to dynamic content. On the other hand, there are some areas where static content lacks. For example, it can require manual intervention to make upgrades or updates.

Static content is highly beneficial for various web and application use cases, offering extensive versatility over the internet. It enables the utilization of different content types to enhance website speed, security, and responsiveness.


Static content is as prevalent as dynamic content as both are assets for applications, websites, or APIs. The Macrometa Global Data Network empowers businesses with a responsive, globally accessible data infrastructure that can easily scale as their needs change, find out more by exploring ready-to-go solutions.


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