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Build Geo-Distributed Apps - Hello Globally Distributed World!

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Today, June 12th, 2019 marks a very special milestone for all of us at Macrometa. Starting today, anyone can sign up for a free developer account and build geo distributed apps and APIs that run across our network of 25 global cloud data centers.

Macrometa for building geo-distributed apps

While the idea behind Macrometa had been knocking around in our head for a little over 5 years, turning all those napkin sketches, sticky notes, midnight conversations and mountains of research papers in distributed data systems took more than 2 years and the combined efforts of many talented and passionate engineers on our team in Palo Alto California, Paris France, Sofia Bulgaria and Pune India.

One of our most cherished ideas at Macrometa is that anyone should be able to build a globally geo distributed application or API without knowing any more than they already know about using databases with languages like JavaScript and Python. The era of needing large cabals of Phd's with years of expertise in building distributed systems to get correct, accurate distributed systems behavior with high performance needs to end.

We set out with a goal to democratize the platforms that until now only companies like Google, Facebook and Amazon have been able to build. With Macrometa - anyone can build apps and APIs that run distributed, cross region and multi cloud and they don't need to know anything about concurrency, consistency or mastering the arcane complexities of distributed systems.

Here's a few examples of how Macrometa turns complex geo distributed problems into simple and quick capabilities:

  • Build a multi region database that runs in 6 different data-centers across the world in about 40 seconds (the video is not trimmed in any way):
  • Create a data collection in the global database (like a table in an RDBMS), insert some data in it, and see it replicate with consistency guarantees in all the regions your fabric runs in:
  • Create a query to retrieve data from the collection, save and export the query as an API end point that you can call from anywhere in the world. The request will always be served from the closest datacenter to the requester
  • Call your restQL API end point from a web application such as a Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA): using the showContacts example from above:
  • Realtime data is easy with Macrometa - all changes to the database are automatically pushed to all clients via Streams (no polling ever):

And thats just the beginning. There are so many incredible ways to use Macrometa to create fast, powerful, data driven apps and APIs that run worldwide automatically such as graph processing, stream processing and serverless functions (coming soon using JavaScript WASM and V8 isolates). BTW, everything you see above can be done via our client SDKs or REST API.

There's a brave new world of distributed apps and APIs waiting to be built by you for web, mobile, IoT, gaming, enterprise and more. It's time to say Goodbye Cloud, and Hello Edge with Macrometa.

Get a free developer account and get started in minutes. You can get all the documentation you need to start here and if you have questions just reach out and we're a chat box away (to the bottom right of the macrometa web page)

High Fives !

Your friends at Macrometa

PS - like our Octopus mascot? Her name is Calico and if you want stickers of her for your laptop, drop us a note at

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