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What is the Difference Between Data Integration and Data Synchronization

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Data Integration

Data integration is the process of combining data from multiple sources into a unified view. This involves bringing together data from various databases, files, and applications, and merging them into a common format that can be easily analyzed and used for decision-making.

Data integration typically involves several steps, including data mapping, data transformation, and data cleansing. Data mapping involves identifying the common fields between different data sources and mapping them to a common schema. Data transformation involves converting data into a common format, such as standardizing date formats or converting currencies. Data cleansing involves removing duplicate or irrelevant data and ensuring that the data is accurate and consistent.

Data Synchronization

Data synchronization, on the other hand, is the process of keeping data consistent across multiple systems in real-time. This involves updating data in one system and propagating the changes to other systems that use the same data. The goal of data synchronization is to ensure that all systems have the same up-to-date information.

Data synchronization can be either real-time or near real-time, depending on the requirements of the business. Real-time synchronization involves updating data immediately as it is changed, while near real-time synchronization involves updating data at regular intervals.


While data integration and data synchronization have some key differences, they also share some similarities. Both processes involve working with data from multiple sources and ensuring that it is accurate and consistent. Both processes can also be automated using software tools to streamline and accelerate the process.


One of the main differences between data integration and data synchronization is their purpose. Data integration is focused on creating a unified view of data, while data synchronization is focused on keeping data consistent across multiple systems.

Another key difference between data integration and data synchronization is the frequency of updates. Data integration typically involves batch processing, where data is updated at regular intervals, while data synchronization is focused on real-time updates.

Finally, data synchronization requires a higher degree of coordination between systems than data integration. When data is updated in one system, it must be propagated to all other systems that use the same data, which requires careful planning and execution.


In conclusion, data integration and data synchronization are both essential components of modern data management. While they share some similarities, they also have some key differences, including their purpose, frequency of updates, and level of coordination between systems. By understanding the differences and similarities between data integration and data synchronization, businesses can better leverage their data to gain insights and make informed decisions.

Learn more about Macrometa’s Global Data Mesh that allows enterprises to store and serve any kind of data from data lakes, warehouses or other sources. and explore ready-to-go industry solutions that accelerate insights.

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