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Deliver Personalized Travel Experiences With Real-Time Data

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In travel, companies constantly manage many "moving pieces" – such as flight changes, connections, baggage tracking, lodging, and ground transportation. At the same time, the travel industry is contending with economic pressures from fuel prices and inflation, labor shortages, and lingering effects of the pandemic.

To stay competitive, travel organizations must harness massive amounts of data for real-time analysis to create personalized experiences for travelers. The challenge is this data from all these “moving pieces” comes from many different systems and even different players – like an online travel agency communicating with a hotel or airline.

The Macrometa Global Data Network (GDN) offers a hyper distributed cloud platform designed to tackle these data challenges on a global scale, providing businesses with valuable information to inform decision-making and drive growth.

The online travel transformation

The online travel industry has experienced significant growth in recent years from a variety of major online travel agency (OTA) players like the Expedia Group and Booking Holdings ( to new services like Airbnb and an Uber Super App for travel on the horizon, all competing for a share of the lucrative market. As consumer preferences and technology evolve, the industry is in a constant state of flux, and companies must adapt to remain competitive. The landscape is highly dynamic, with companies striving to provide the best user experience, personalized offerings, and seamless integration across various travel-related services.

Address competition for direct bookings

Hotels have been placing greater emphasis on their own loyalty programs to increase direct bookings and reduce dependency on OTAs. By offering guests exclusive rewards, discounts, and personalized experiences, hotels aim to foster brand loyalty and encourage customers to book directly through their platforms. This shift towards loyalty programs and direct bookings has had a noticeable impact on OTAs, as guests are incentivized to bypass these platforms in favor of booking directly with hotels. To maintain their appeal to customers, OTAs are continually seeking to differentiate themselves by providing value-added services, such as price comparison tools, comprehensive travel planning resources, and user-friendly interfaces.

Tailor travel experiences with real-time data

Macrometa's GDN offers a hyper-distributed cloud platform designed to help you collect and analyze data in real-time from various sources to create a personalized experience for your guests. Real-time data synchronization allows travel companies to integrate data from various third-party systems, providing a unified view of guest information while meeting global data privacy and compliance requirements. Real-time monitoring and reporting also enables the creation of alerts for anomalies from competitors' price drops and travel delays to maintenance issues or potentially fraudulent transactions.

To improve guest engagement and satisfaction, travel entities can use real-time data and low-latency digital services to gather information on guest preferences, behaviors, and needs. This enables them to provide highly personalized recommendations that are tailored to each guest's individual needs.

Streamline the website journey

By leveraging real-time data and low-latency digital services, Macrometa helps travel platforms enhance the entire website journey for guests, from booking to check-out or departure. By providing a more streamlined and personalized experience, travel platforms can delight travelers and maintain market share, becoming the preferred platform for travel. Additionally, Macrometa's technology can improve website performance by up to 25X-50X, further enhancing the guest experience and improving customer satisfaction.

Meet global data privacy and compliance requirements

Travel entities must implement technical and organizational measures to protect guests' personal data from unauthorized access, theft, or disclosure to meet data privacy and security requirements. Macrometa's GDN provides data governance and protection in-region and globally, ensuring data encryption, access controls, and data anonymization features. This enables travel companies to comply with regulatory requirements, safeguard customer data, and maintain their trust.

Begin your journey to more personalized travel experiences

In today's data-driven and highly competitive landscape, travel companies must be able to integrate and synchronize data from different systems, sources, and locations for real-time analytics and personalized experiences across all touchpoints. To ensure compliance and security globally, data can be pinned to specific regions and anonymized for analysis and reporting. Real-time monitoring can quickly send alerts to prevent fraud losses or disruptions. Macrometa's hyper-distributed cloud platform provides travel companies with the power of real-time data insights to stay ahead of the competition and become the “go-to” booking platform. For more information about our Travel Solutions, schedule a call with a solution architect, we look forward to speaking with you!

Photo by Pietro De Grandi on Unsplash

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