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What is AWS Lambda?

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As a web or an online application owner, enterprise teams have to establish hardware in the form of servers as well as other features such as storage, data streaming, data processing, fault-tolerance, and performance at low latency. Cloud computing offers remote access to the servers along with other services. AWS (Amazon Web Services) Lambda is one such serverless computing service that takes care of the cumbersome task of allocating, monitoring, and managing servers. 

How does AWS Lambda work?

AWS Lambda decouples responsibilities related to servers such as provisioning, logging, set up, scaling, operating, and monitoring.

Lambda is a FaaS or a Function as a Service platform by Amazon. FaaS includes the use of individual functions and operations to build and deploy server-side software. This is an event-driven architecture where any event such as a product click, upload of an image, and sensor outputs trigger relevant function(s) to achieve the desired output. It comprehensively manages the run-time environment and only requires a function, associated dependencies, and a ZIP or JAR file.

What are the benefits of AWS Lambda?

One of the key benefits of AWS Lambda is fully automated scaling and provisioning depending on network requirements. It acts as a metered or a ‘pay-as-you-go’ service. When load increases, Lambda generates multiple environments which are required to handle the load, as soon as the load decreases, it scales down and terminates them. The process of scaling and provisioning works seamlessly without any additional steps. This is a cost-effective and efficient solution that ultimately results in an enhanced app experience.

Compute service needs to be highly available as downtime can cause loss of data and customers, thus affecting the business negatively. AWS Lambda is a highly available service, it avoids a single point of failure by automatically running the application on a different host in case one fails. However, it does require some manual action to handle a region-wide failure.

In addition, Lambda employs reserved concurrency to ensure the scaling of functions in case of additional load.

Lambda also performs code monitoring and logging to protect an application’s integrity. The protocols allow code written only by trusted team members to be deployed. Moreover, it also provides security features to protect the backend and servers from catching any malware as Lambda is protected by the AWS global network security procedures.

Closing thoughts

AWS Lambda is a cost and time-efficient solution which manages and does provisioning of servers so enterprises can run them using a serverless API. The event-driven model computes pre-built or customized individual functions.

‍Macrometa offers ready-to-go industry solutions built on similar principles that lets enterprise speed time-to-market and move their business forward.

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