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What is a Lighthouse Score?

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In today's digital world, website performance and user experience are critical for businesses to remain competitive. A website that loads quickly, is easy to navigate, and provides a seamless user experience can lead to increased engagement, better conversion rates, and improved customer satisfaction. One way to measure website performance is through a Lighthouse score. In this article, we will explain what a Lighthouse score is, its impact on streaming latency, and how Macrometa can help you optimize your Lighthouse score.

Lighthouse is an open-source tool developed by Google that measures website performance and user experience. It audits a website on several parameters, such as loading speed, accessibility, and best practices, and assigns a score between 0 to 100. A higher score indicates better website performance and user experience. Lighthouse generates a report that includes a breakdown of each parameter's score, along with recommendations on how to improve it.

In the retail and eCommerce industries, a high Lighthouse score is critical to providing customers with a positive user experience. Slow website load times, difficult navigation, and other issues can drive customers away and harm a business's bottom line.

How to Improve Lighthouse Scores

  1. Improve load speed by optimizing images, compressing file sizes, and using efficient formats like WebP or AVIF.
  2. Minify JavaScript and CSS files to reduce the amount of unnecessary characters and whitespace, leading to faster download times.
  3. Implement lazy loading for images and videos, allowing content to load only when it's needed or visible on the screen.
  4. Reduce server response time by optimizing backend infrastructure, such as using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) or Global Data Network (GDN) and caching.
  5. Eliminate render-blocking resources by deferring or asynchronously loading critical JavaScript and CSS files.

These actions can be difficult due to the need for continuous monitoring, technical expertise, and ongoing website maintenance. Optimizing lighthouse scores is often a complicated and deeply technical process.


In conclusion, a high Lighthouse score is critical for businesses to remain competitive in today's digital world. By optimizing website performance and reducing streaming latency, businesses can ensure that users have a seamless viewing experience, which can increase their engagement with the website and provide a more positive user experience. Retailers need deep knowledge of technologies that offer low latency and real-time compute, improving their Lighthouse score and the customer experience. Learn more about how Macrometa's eCommerce and retail solutions can optimize your website and take the brief website assessment, or chat with a solutions expert.

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