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Hospitality Services

Drive More Revenue Opportunities & Improve Guest Experiences

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If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that customer expectations are always evolving, and personalized journeys have now become the norm. Revenues are not yet back to pre-pandemic levels and there are ongoing challenges with inflation, supply chain disruption, and labor shortages. Now is the time to accelerate your digital transformation and realize the real-time value of your data to mitigate these challenges and uncover new opportunities.

As travelers, we often take for granted the many intricate systems and processes that come together to create a seamless guest experience. As we move forward in this data-driven world, hospitality organizations will need to integrate and synchronize data across different systems, sources, and locations (regions, countries, or continents) for real-time analytics and personalization across all guest touchpoints. By leveraging the power of Macrometa's hyper distributed cloud, hospitality organizations can stay ahead of the competition and deliver exceptional experiences for their guests while safeguarding private data.



Seamless Guest Experiences

Achieve 50X better front page performance to personalize your guests’ journey from their website experience to checkout. Personalization requires real-time, low latency data processing on live and historical data at large volumes. Hospitality organizations can gather information on guest preferences, behaviors, and needs to provide highly personalized recommendations and digital services like Smart Rooms that can be tailored to each guest's individual needs.


Simplify Data Synchronization

Macrometa takes a new approach to data that combines free-flowing data, analytics, and low latency for real-time results. It breaks data out of organizational, regional, operational and even third party silos. Macrometa can set up APIs for real-time data synchronization and integration across different systems (CM, RMS, PMS, CRM, OTA) and data sources to allow you to manage, analyze, aggregate, and act on guest data in real-time. Build more flexible and dynamic pricing models with real-time pricing and availability updates.


Data Privacy & Compliance

Meeting global data privacy and compliance requirements is a critical concern for the hospitality industry, as they collect and process large amounts of personal data from guests. Comply with regional regulations such as GDPR and CCPA with data pinning, vaulting, encryption, access controls, and data anonymization features (for a unified reporting view).


Stop Fraud at the Source

Hospitality providers have to protect their reputation and ensure that their customers are safe in a new world of cyber crimes and new online threats. Detect collusion purchases and perform continuous risk assessments by analyzing navigation patterns and previous transactions. Identify transactions that are outside of normal spending patterns or from high-risk areas.

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Transforming Guest Experiences with Real-Time Data

Transforming Guest Experiences with Real-Time Data


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