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touches (Function)

Two available sets of parameters:

  • First set returns true if the incoming geo.json.geometry event touches the given geo.json.geometryFence.
  • Second set returns true if the coordinates touch the given geo.json.geometryFence.


<BOOL> geo:touches(<DOUBLE> longitude, <DOUBLE> latitude, <STRING> geo.json.geometry.fence)
<BOOL> geo:touches(<STRING> geo.json.geometry, <STRING> geo.json.geometry.fence)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionPossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
longitudeLongitude of the geo location.DOUBLEYesYes
latitudeLatitude of the geo location.DOUBLEYesYes
geo.json.geometryString that contains geometry type and coordinates for a GeoJSON geometry.STRINGYesYes
geo.json.geometry.fenceString that contains geometry type and coordinates for a GeoJSON geometry fence.StringNoYes

Example 1

{'type':'Polygon','coordinates':[[[0.5, 0.5],[0.5, 1.5],[1.5, 1.5],[1.5, 0.5],[0.5, 0.5]]]},
{'type':'Polygon','coordinates':[[[10, 10],[10, 11],[11, 11],[11, 10],[10, 10]]]}

In this example, the geo:touches() function checks if the two given polygons share any boundary points. The first polygon is defined by the coordinates [[0.5, 0.5],[0.5, 1.5],[1.5, 1.5],[1.5, 0.5],[0.5, 0.5]], and the second polygon is defined by the coordinates [[10, 10],[10, 11],[11, 11],[11, 10],[10, 10]]. The function returns false because these two polygons do not share any boundary points - they do not touch each other.

Example 2

geo:touches(10.5, 20.5, {'type':'Polygon','coordinates':[[[0, 0],[0, 1],[1, 1],[1, 0],[0, 0]]]})

This example returns false because the point with coordinates (10.5, 20.5) does not touch the polygon defined by the coordinates [[0, 0],[0, 1],[1, 1],[1, 0],[0, 0]]. In other words, the point does not share any boundary points with the polygon.

Example 3

CREATE STREAM InputGeoStream (longitude double, latitude double, geoJsonFence string);
CREATE SINK STREAM OutputGeoStream (touchesStatus bool);

@info(name = 'TouchesStatusCheck')
INSERT INTO OutputGeoStream
SELECT geo:touches(longitude, latitude, geoJsonFence) AS touchesStatus
FROM InputGeoStream;

In this stream worker example, the TouchesStatusCheck query processes events from the InputGeoStream, which includes geographical coordinates (longitude, latitude) and a GeoJSON fence (geoJsonFence). The query uses the geo:touches(longitude, latitude, geoJsonFence) function to check if the given point shares any boundary points with the GeoJSON fence. The touch status is then sent to the OutputGeoStream for each processed event.