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The pages in this section show you how to use various sinks in Macrometa GDN stream workers, including streams, HTTP, and Kafka.

Sinks are used to publish events to an external source after being processed. Sinks consume events from streams and publish them via multiple transports to external endpoints in various data formats.

Sink Configuration

A sink configuration allows users to define a mapping to convert the stream events into the required output data format, such as JSON, TEXT, and so on, and publish the events to the configured endpoints. When customizations to such mappings are not provided, the stream converts events to the predefined event format based on the stream definition and the configured message mapper type before publishing the events.


General syntax for creating a sink requires a sink name and definition of the type of sink. There are other parameters that depend on the type of sink you are using. For more information, refer to the pages in this section.

CREATE SINK <stream name> WITH (
type='<sink type>',
map.type='<map type>',
map.payload'<payload mapping>'
)) (
<attribute1> <type>,
<attributeN> <type>);

A sink configuration consists of three parts.

Sink Type

The type parameter defines the sink type that publishes the events. The other parameters of the sink.type annotation depends upon the selected sink type, and here some of its parameters can be optional and dynamic.

For a full list of sink types supported by Macrometa stream workers, refer to Sink Types and to Tables.

Map Type

The map.type parameter specifies the format in which the data is published and allows you to configure the mapping parameters, which change based of the mapping type/format selected.

For the complete list of supported mapping types, see Sink Mapping.


The attributes parameter specifies a custom mapping based on which events in the streaming integration flow that need to be published are identified. This is useful when the attributes of the output messages you want the stream worker to publish are different to the corresponding attribute name in the stream definition.

For example, in a scenario where the stream worker is publishing the average temperature per second, the temperature can be referred to as avgTemp in the output stream definition in your stream worker. However, you want to publish it with the Temperature to the streaming application to which you are publishing. In this instance, you need a custom mapping to indicate that Temperature is the same as avgTemp.

Dynamic Properties

The sink and sink mapper properties that are categorized as dynamic have the ability to absorb attribute values dynamically from the events of their associated streams. This can be configured by enclosing the relevant attribute names in double curly braces as{{...}}, and using it within the property values.

Some valid dynamic properties values are:

  • '{{attribute1}}'
  • 'This is {{attribute1}}'
  • {{attribute1}} > {{attributeN}}

The attribute names in the double curly braces are replaced with the values from the events before they are published.

Example Stream Sink

   CREATE SINK ProductionAlertStream WITH (type= 'stream', stream='ProductionAlertStream', map.type='json') (name string, amount double);

Example MQTT Sink

quality.of.service= "1",
keep.alive= "60",
) (
startTime long