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How Fingerprint Works

Fingerprint uses advanced fingerprinting techniques to create a unique signature of a user's device. This allows recognizing users (visitors) across sessions and devices without relying only on cookies.

Some key techniques used:

  • Collecting browser signals such as user agent, resolution, fonts, and so on.
  • Leveraging Canvas and AudioContext APIs.
  • Identifying individual visitors using CPU and memory stats, among other things.
  • Proprietary algorithms and machine learning (ML) models.

When a new user visits your site, Fingerprint will:

  • Generate a Visitor ID (VID) to identify that user uniquely.
  • Create a Signature to fingerprint the user's device.

The same Visitor ID is recognized using the fingerprint and persists on subsequent visits, and the signature is updated to capture any new browser/device attributes. Fingerprint uses proprietary algorithms and ML models to match fingerprints with high confidence, even if some attributes change. A score indicates this confidence level.