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setValue (Function)

Function returns the updated list after replacing the element in the given index by the given value.


<OBJECT> list:setValue(<OBJECT> list, <INT> index, <OBJECT|INT|LONG|FLOAT|DOUBLE|BOOL|STRING> value)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
listThe list to which the value should be updated.OBJECTNoYes
indexThe index in which the value should to be updated.INTNoYes
valueThe value to be updated with.OBJECT INT LONG FLOAT DOUBLE BOOL STRINGNoYes

Example 1

list:set(stockSymbols, 0, 'IBM')

The list:set(stockSymbols, 0, 'IBM') function updates the stockSymbols list by replacing the value at the 0th index with IBM. The updated stockSymbols list is then returned, containing the new value at the specified index.

Example 2

CREATE STREAM StockStream (symbols OBJECT, index INT, newSymbol STRING);
CREATE SINK STREAM OutputStream (updatedSymbols OBJECT);

@info(name = 'SetSymbol')
INSERT INTO OutputStream
SELECT list:setValue(symbols, index, newSymbol) AS updatedSymbols
FROM StockStream;

This stream worker defines the StockStream input stream, which includes a list of stock symbols (symbols), an index (index), and a new symbol (newSymbol). The function list:setValue(symbols, index, newSymbol) operates on each event in the StockStream. It processes the symbols attribute from each event, replaces the value at the specified index with newSymbol, and returns the updated list. The updated list is then aliased as updatedSymbols and inserted into the OutputStream. Consequently, OutputStream contains updated lists from each event in the StockStream, with the value at the specified index replaced.