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merge (Aggregate Function)

Collects multiple lists to merge as a single list.


<OBJECT> list:merge(<OBJECT> list)
<OBJECT> list:merge(<OBJECT> list, <BOOL> is.distinct)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
listList to be mergedOBJECTNoYes
is.distinctWhether to return list with distinct valuesfalseBOOLYesYes

Example 1

INSERT INTO OutputStream
SELECT list:merge(list) AS stockSymbols

In this query, the StockStream contains events with an attribute list of type ARRAY<string>. The query processes events using a tumbling window of length 2, which means that it groups events in non-overlapping sets of two.

For each set of two events within the tumbling window, the list:merge(list) function is applied. This function takes the list attributes from both events and merges their elements into a single, combined list.

The merged list is then aliased as stockSymbols and inserted into the OutputStream. As a result, the OutputStream will contain events with combined lists from every pair of consecutive events in the StockStream.

Example 2

CREATE STREAM StockStream (list OBJECT);
CREATE SINK STREAM OutputStream (stockSymbols OBJECT);

@info(name = 'MergeList')
INSERT INTO OutputStream
SELECT list:merge(list) AS stockSymbols

In this stream worker, an input stream StockStream is defined, which contains a list of stock symbols. The function list:merge(list) operates on a tumbling window of length 2 on the StockStream. This function processes the list attribute from every two events and merges them into a single list. The merged list is then aliased as stockSymbols and inserted into the OutputStream. Consequently, OutputStream contains combined lists from every pair of consecutive events in the StockStream.