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Release Notes 0.17.10

This document describes what has changed in Macrometa release 0.17.10. To check what version of GDN you are using, use the RestVersionHandler command in the API.


The following features are included in this release.

UI Updates

This release included a complete overhaul of the Macrometa UI. A few section names changed, but no overall functionality changed as a result of this new feature.

  • Updated the overall look and feel of the web console UI.
  • Changed order of items in the side menu.
  • User icon, log in/out, and settings moved from the upper right to lower left corner.
  • SEARCH changed to Search Views.
  • QUERIES changed to Query Workers.
  • Query Profile changed to Query Info in Query Results.
  • Download CSV temporarily removed from Query Results. This feature will return when we have a better CSV solution.

Various screenshots and instructions were updated to reflect the new UI.

Redesigned UI

Billing Updates

This release includes an overhaul of the billing functionality, including:

  • New invoice design.
  • Redesigned billing tab with graphs and metrics to help you understand usage.
  • Various performance improvements and back-end defect fixes related to billing.

If you have a paid Macrometa plan, then you can view the new billing screen in your account Overview tab.

New billing tab

Update Name and Email on User Accounts

You can now update names and email addresses on user accounts. If you are a root user or have admin permissions, then you can update names and email addresses on user accounts that you administer.

API Updates

This release includes the following API changes.

Issue #Description
API-178Add region URL to the API response.
DB-1500Add new database limits: maxWorkersCpuSecondsPerMinute (default value is 20 seconds/minute of CPU time), maxWorkersLogsLengthKBPerMinute (default value is 10 KB/minute of logs length).
DB-1588Removed one fabric parameter from Users API, because having two parameters was confusing. Now consistent with other APIs.
DB-1592Make GET /_api/collection/{collection-name}/figures API public. This allows users to view metadata such as how many indexes and views a collection has, total collection size, and how many documents a collection has.
DB-1606Allow * in certain User APIs for collections and fabrics. APIs are: GET, DELETE, and PUT for /_fabric/{fabric}/_api/user/{user}/database/{geofabric} and GET, DELETE, and PUT for /_fabric/{fabric}/_api/user/{user}/database/{geofabric}/collection/{collection}.

New CLI Release

GDN CLI (gdnsl) version 0.0.45 is now available! If you use the Macrometa CLI, be sure to update as soon as possible.

For more information, refer to Command Line Interface.

Unique Index Option Change

Due to defect DB-1242, the unique index option has been temporarily turned off for new global collections. This option will be available when the longer-term solution is ready.

Collection Truncation Messages

When you truncate a collection with streams enabled, you will now only see one message rather than multiple delete messages.

Defect Fixes

The following defects were fixed in this release.


This last release cycle, our CEO challenged our engineers to try to "break" Macrometa as part of our internal quality and reliability improvement efforts. The results are below and will contribute to a more stable and reliable Global Data Network going forward.

Defect #Description
API-183An exception made the user unable to connect on stream console for any stream.
API-196Users are allowed to request removing datacenter even if GeoFabric has only two datacenters.
API-210Payment and Invoice APIs are accessible by non-root user using JWT token.
APIDOC-56API response is not showing properly.
BILL-208Pricing page need update in Query RAM section.
BILL-210Unable to update contact details with specific parameters. Error unless all parameters are updated.
BILL-220/_api/billing/usage API should error out when tenant provided as null.
BILL-226Improper response code for invalid parameter given to 'limit' of /_api/billing/payments.
BILL-227/_api/billing/payments - Improper response code when tenant name is not provided.
BILL-229Failing to upgrade when non-root user tried to upgrade account from free to metered tier.
DB-1156User must mention the field names in Search definition even if 'includeAllFields' is set to true.
DB-1181C8Search: Analyzers can only be created for _system
DB-1223Unusually long time for a response on truncate API call.
DB-1242Insert query with overwrite: true fails for a collection that has multiple unique indexes.
DB-1439The fabric created after taking the backup of a region (eu-west) did not get synced up after restore.
DB-1442Due to _key collision, failed to insert document in collection.
DB-1444Data discrepancy in two regions when documents were created with the same key but different content.
DB-1446Allow query batch size to take values above 1,000.
DB-1457Bypassed GeoFabric per-tenant limit on free tier account. Correct limit is two.
DB-1463Able to have inconsistent documents on two different regions with same key in the same collection.
DB-1470Error trying to truncate records for a collection stream.
DB-1493Connection not established error on a stream console.
DB-1519"Unauthorized" error is seen after navigating to regions.
DB-1552When creating a user, password constraints are not validated in API.
DB-1580Cannot create more than 100 KV collections.
DB-1595Non-root user with read-only fabric permissions can set and clear streams access level.
DB-1615Validate API continues to validate JWT token even when user has been deleted.
MET-52Some metrics were not reinitialized when deleting collections.
MET-68All graphs delete call are not taken into account by MetricsCollector if graph does not exist.
MET-90Dynamo Read metrics not taken into account for the count metric.
MET-149Get metrics names returns result as a string instead of JSON (list).
MET-208If an HTTP endpoint is invoked by Chrome browser, all immediate HTTP requests get delayed.