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Filter Based on Multiple Criteria

In this example, assume that you need to filter the readings for a range of rooms (e.g., rooms 100-210) where the temperature is greater than 40.

The AND logical expression is used to indicate that both the filter conditions provided need to be considered.

@App:description("This stream worker receives a object with properties 'deviceID', 'roomNo', and 'temp' in InputTempStream, If roomNo is 2233, and temperature is more than 20 and less than 50 degrees, and where deviceID is more than 1 and less than 9, send the object to the stream")

CREATE STREAM InputTempStream (deviceID long, roomNo string, temp double);

CREATE SINK Room2233Stream WITH (type='stream', stream='Room2233Stream', map.type='json') (deviceID long, roomNo string, temp double);

@info(name = 'Get temperature for roomNo: 2233')
INSERT INTO Room2233Stream
FROM InputTempStream [(temp > 20 AND temp < 50) AND (deviceID > 1 AND deviceID < 9) AND roomNo == "2233"];