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Scoring Functions

Scoring functions play a vital role in Macrometa's Fulltext Search Views by returning a ranking value for the documents discovered by a C8QL search query. A higher score signifies a better match.

Implementing Scoring Functions

Scoring functions predominantly take the document specified by a FOR operation as their first argument. To bring the most relevant documents to the forefront of your search results, use descending order DESC.

Calculating Custom Scores

Macrometa allows you to compute custom scores. You can apply a scoring function in conjunction with document attributes and numeric functions. In the example below, a custom score is calculated as TFIDF(doc) * LOG(doc.value):

FOR movie IN imdbView
SEARCH PHRASE(movie.title, "Star Wars", "text_en")
SORT BM25(movie) * LOG(movie.runtime + 1) DESC
RETURN movie

You can also sort a combination of scores and attributes across multiple search views and collections to hone your searches:

FOR a IN viewA
FOR c IN coll
FOR b IN viewB
SORT TFIDF(b),, BM25(a)