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Control Flow Functions

C8QL includes control flow functions.


NOT_NULL(alternative, ...) → value

Return the first element that is not null, and null if all alternatives are null themselves. It is also known as COALESCE() in SQL.

  • alternative (any, repeatable): input of arbitrary type
  • returns value (any): first non-null parameter, or null if all arguments are null


Return the first alternative that is an array, and null if none of the alternatives is an array.

  • alternative (any, repeatable): input of arbitrary type
  • returns list (array|null): array / list or null


FIRST_DOCUMENT(value) → doc

Return the first alternative that is a document, and null if none of the alternatives is a document.

  • alternative (any, repeatable): input of arbitrary type
  • returns doc (object|null): document / object or null

Ternary operator

For conditional evaluation, check out the ternary operator.