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Create a Graph Edge Collection

The Graph Edge collection is a form of document collection. It is used define relationships between two documents by using the _from and _to system attributes and the document _id system attribute.

Different ways to create edge collections are described below.

Follow these instructions to create a new collection Graph Edge collection using the GDN console web UI.

  1. Log in to your Macrometa account.

  2. Click Collections.

  3. Click New Collection.

  4. Click Graph Edge.

  5. Enter information about the collection and then click Create.

    • Collection Name - Required. A unique name to distinguish the collection. Spaces are not allowed.
    • Collection stream - Enable streams for all locations for this collection.
    • Strong consistency - Enable strong consistency on this collection. For more information, refer to Strong consistency.
    • Distribution - Select whether to store data globally or locally.