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Read from a Stream

This page explains how to use the Macrometa Stream Databricks Client Connector to integrate Apache Spark with Macrometa streams, allowing you read data from Macrometa streams and process and analyze real-time data using Spark's powerful capabilities in a Databricks environment.

  1. Set up source options:

    val sourceOptions = Map(
    "regionUrl" -> "<REGION_URL>",
    "port" -> "<PORT>",
    "apikey" -> "<APIKEY>",
    "fabric" -> "<FABRIC>",
    "tenant" -> "<TENANT>",
    "replication" -> "<REPLICATION>",
    "stream" -> "<SOURCE_STREAM>",
    "isCollectionStream" -> "<true or false>", // Indicates if this is a collection stream (true) or not (false), represented as a string value
    "subscriptionName" -> "<SOURCE_SUBSCRIPTION>"
  2. Create a Spark session:

    val spark = SparkSession.builder()
  3. Read from the Macrometa stream:

    1. Auto infer schema:

      val inputStream = spark.readStream
    2. User defined schema:

      val userSchema = new StructType().add("name", "string").add("age", "integer")
      val inputStream = spark.readStream