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Stream Source

A stream is a logical series of events ordered in time. Its schema is defined via the stream definition. A stream definition contains the stream name and a set of attributes with specific types and uniquely identifiable names within the stream. All events associated to the stream will have the same schema (i.e., have the same attributes in the same order).

The stream processor groups common types of events together with a schema. This helps in various ways such as, processing all events together in queries and performing data format transformations together when they are consumed and published via sources and sinks.


By default, all streams created by stream workers are sources.


The syntax for defining a new stream in a stream worker is:

(<attribute_name> <attribute_type>[,
<attribute_name> <attribute_type>] );

Or you can use the syntax shortcut CREATE STREAM:

CREATE STREAM <stream_name> <GLOBAL | LOCAL> (<attribute_name> <attribute_type>,
<attribute_name> <attribute_type>, ... );

Or you can use the syntax shortcut for local stream CREATE STREAM:

CREATE SINK STREAM  SampleStreamSink (data string);

Query Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure a stream definition.

ParameterDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptional
GLOBAL or LOCALWhether the stream is globally or locally replicated. Default is LOCAL.
stream.listThe list of streams the sources will consume events.-STRINGNo
replication.typeSpecifies if the replication type of the streams. Possible values can be LOCAL and GLOBAL.LOCALSTRINGYes
subscription.initial.positionSubscription's initial position in the stream. Possible values: [Earliest,Latest].LatestSTRINGYes
subscription.typeStream subscription type. Possible Values: [Exclusive, Shared, Failover, Key_Shared].SharedSTRINGYes
subscription.modeIn Durable subscription mode, the cursor is durable, which retains events and persists the current position. If a stream worker is updated, re-published, or restarts from a failure, then it can recover so that events can continue to be consumed from the last consumed position.
If the subscription mode is NonDurable and a stream worker is updated, re-published, or restarts from a failure, then the cursor is lost and can never be recovered, so that events can not continue to be consumed from the last consumed position. Possible Values: [Durable, NonDurable].
num.consumersNumber of consumers.1INTYes
num.listener.threadsThe number of listener threads.1INTYes number of listener threads.1INTYes
receiver.queue.sizeThe number of messages accumulated by a consumer before an application calls.1000INTYes
stream.urlThe URL of the Pulsar broker, e.g. pulsar_ssl://my-broker:6651.NULLSTRINGYes
stream.admin.urlThe admin URL of the Pulsar broker, e.g. https://my-broker:443.NULLSTRINGYes
auth.pluginThe required autentication plugin, e.g. org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationToken.NULLSTRINGYes
auth.paramsThe required autentication parameters, e.g. JWT in case auth.plugin="org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationToken".NULLSTRINGYes
[WITH (property_name = expression [, ...])]Optional properties for the new stream, such as a time-to-live or a partition key.
SELECT select_expr [, ...]The selection criteria for the new stream.
FROM from_stream …The name of the existing stream to select data from. This can include a window or aggregation.

To use and refer stream and attribute names that do not follow [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* format, enclose them in `. For example: `$test(0)`

Example 1

This example creates a stream called TempStream with the following attributes:

  • deviceID of type long
  • roomNo of type int
  • temp of type double

Example 2

CREATE STREAM StockStream (symbol string, price float, volume long)
AS SELECT symbol, price, volume
FROM InputStream[price > 500] WINDOW SLIDING_LENGTH(1);

In this example, StockStream is created with three attributes: symbol, price, and volume. The new stream is created by selecting data from InputStream, where the price is greater than 500, and applying a SLIDING_LENGTH window with a length of 1. The resulting stream will contain only those tuples from InputStream where the price is greater than 500, and will have the attributes symbol, price, and volume.