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regexp (Function)

Returns a boolean value based whether an input string matches and the given regular expression.


<BOOL> str:regexp(<STRING> input.string, <STRING> regex)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
input.stringThe input string to match with the given regular expression.STRINGNoYes
regexThe regular expression to be matched with the input string.STRINGNoYes

Example 1

@info(name = 'regexpExample')
SELECT str:regexp('gdn abcdh', 'gdn(.*h)') AS matchesRegexp;

The regexpExample demonstrates the use of the str:regexp() function to check if the given input string matches the provided regular expression pattern. In this example, the input string is 'gdn abcdh', and the regular expression pattern is 'gdn(.*h)'. The function returns true because the input string matches the regular expression pattern.

Example 2

CREATE STREAM InputDataStream (eventTime long, inputString string, pattern string);
CREATE SINK STREAM OutputStream (eventTime long, matchesRegexp bool);

@info(name = 'regexpStreamWorker')
INSERT INTO OutputStream
SELECT eventTime, str:regexp(inputString, pattern) AS matchesRegexp
FROM InputDataStream;

The regexpStreamWorker processes events from the InputDataStream and uses the str:regexp() function to check if the inputString attribute matches the provided pattern attribute. The query outputs the eventTime and a boolean value matchesRegexp for each event to the OutputStream. The boolean value is true if the input string matches the regular expression pattern, and false otherwise.