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fillTemplate (Function)

fillTemplate(string, map) will replace all the keys in the string using values in the map. fillTemplate(string, r1, r2 ..) replace all the entries {{1}}, {{2}}, {{3}} with r1 , r2, r3.


<STRING> str:fillTemplate(<STRING> template, <STRING|INT|LONG|DOUBLE|FLOAT|BOOL> replacement.type, <STRING|INT|LONG|DOUBLE|FLOAT|BOOL> ...)
<STRING> str:fillTemplate(<STRING> template, <OBJECT> map)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
templateThe string with templated fields that needs to be filled with the given strings. The format of the templated fields should be as follows: {{KEY}} where KEY is a STRING if you are using fillTemplate(string, map) {{KEY}} where KEY is an INT if you are using fillTemplate(string, r1, r2 ..) This KEY is used to map the valuesSTRINGNoYes
replacement.typeA set of arguments with any type: string, int, long, double, float, or bool.-STRING, INT, LONG, DOUBLE, FLOAT, BOOLYesYes
mapA map with key-value pairs to be replaced.-OBJECTYesYes

Example 1

@info(name = 'fillTemplateExample')
SELECT str:fillTemplate('{{1}} > 100 && {{2}} < 10000', 200, 300) AS filledTemplate;

The fillTemplateExample demonstrates the use of the str:fillTemplate() function to replace placeholders within a template string with the provided values. In this example, the template string is '{{1}} > 100 && {{2}} < 10000', with placeholders '{{1}}' and '{{2}}'. The function replaces '{{1}}' with the first value '200' and '{{2}}' with the second value '300'. The resulting filled template is '200 > 100 && 300 < 10000'.

Example 2

CREATE STREAM InputDataStream (eventTime long, value1 int, value2 int);

CREATE SINK STREAM OutputStream (eventTime long, filledTemplate string);

@info(name = 'fillTemplateStreamWorker')
INSERT INTO OutputStream
SELECT eventTime, str:fillTemplate('{{1}} > 100 && {{2}} < 10000', value1, value2) AS filledTemplate
FROM InputDataStream;

The fillTemplateStreamWorker processes events from the InputDataStream and uses the str:fillTemplate() function to replace placeholders within the template string '{{1}} > 100 && {{2}} < 10000' with the corresponding value1 and value2 attributes. The query outputs the eventTime and the filled template string filledTemplate for each event to the OutputStream.