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UUID (Function)

Generates a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier).



Query Parameters



@info(name = 'query1')
INSERT INTO RoomTempStream
SELECT convert(roomNo, 'string') AS roomNo, temp, UUID() AS messageID
FROM TempStream;

This query, named 'query1', processes records from the TempStream and performs the following operations:

  1. Converts the roomNo field to a string using the convert(roomNo, 'string') function.
  2. Adds a unique messageID to each event using the UUID() function, which generates a UUID like 'a34eec40-32c2-44fe-8075-7f4fde2e2dd8'.

The resulting data, including the converted roomNo, the temp, and the generated messageID, is then inserted into the RoomTempStream.

Essentially, this query processes records from the TempStream, converts the room number to a string, and adds a unique message ID to each event before inserting the data into the RoomTempStream.